Thursday, January 17, 2013

The summer of reading books

      Here is another exercise for this illustration class and the story tells us of how summer we take our reading very seriously. The idea is since summer is the time of doing fun activities, it also give us time to read 182 books in the ex[and of 3 months. I come with a concept of having any type of summer activity is by reading books. Whatever the activity will portrayed it could be beach volleyball, surfing, or treasure haunting. The point being they are reading books for the summer.


I just only needed the wave and the legs
Then the surfer reading

Then past the two together!

Monday, January 14, 2013

house launder...

      This is another project that I am trying to interpreted of how house finance is another way to launder money. This concept is self explanatory with the design but only the first stages of the vector. Let's see where this goes eh???


Finally some Progress!!!!